Online Coding Classes for Kids and Teens

Online Programming delivers the most fun and effective live, online coding classes for kids and teens ages 8-18. Our coding classes are designed to give kids the programming knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in a digital world.

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leading online education
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Online Prog Ltd

Teaching Kids Coding is Our Expertise

Trust the most experienced in teaching coding for kids online. In fact, our program was created from the start to be the most effective and fun online coding classes for kids and teens. We’ve perfected virtual learning from our curriculum to our teachers to our tools.

Curriculum created

for learning online

Our structured curriculum was developed for online learning. It’s continuously refined with exciting visuals and engaging projects that keep kids motivated from afar.

Teachers trained

to teach online

Our teachers have been extensively trained to teach online. They provide a fun and successful experience in and out of the virtual classroom. Made possible with continuous support.

Tools developed

to work online

Our proprietary tools have been developed over 10,000 hours. These provide students with a pro-level coding platform where teachers can view and give feedback on their code in real-time.

Online coding classes for kids and teens

Online Prog Ltd provides the most fun and effective live coding classes for kids and teens ages 8-18. Our coding classes are designed to give kids the programming knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive in the digital world.

Własny program nauczania

do nauki online

Nasz ustrukturyzowany program nauczania został opracowany do nauki online. Jest nieustannie udoskonalany ekscytującymi wizualizacjami i angażującymi projektami, które motywują dzieci z całego świata.

Nauczyciele przeszkoleni

do nauczania online

Nasi nauczyciele zostali szeroko przeszkoleni do nauczania online. Zapewniają zabawę i udane doświadczenie w wirtualnej klasie i poza nią. Ponadto stanowią nieustające wsparcie dla swich podopiecznych.

Opracowane narzędzia

do nauczania online

Nasze narzędzia do nauki online uczniom platformę kodowania, na której nauczyciele mogą przeglądać i udzielać informacji zwrotnych na temat kodu w czasie rzeczywistym.